ULTRA leg descriptions.
There are 7 sections/legs - with feed stations and timing points between each.  

The route is a linear route from Ross-on-Wye to Chepstow.  It's all on well marked and easy to navigate paths and national trails. Apart from the initial section in Ross on Wye, we do not back up the national trail signs with any of our own. 

The maps below simply give an indication of length, direction and terrain - they really are not accurate enough for on-the-day navigation. We suggest you transfer the route to a 1:25000 map to find your way on a recce and print off the detailed route description we provide for each leg.  There are many free on-line sources for mapping, one of which is suggested at the bottom of this page.

PLEASE NOTE - these leg description are for the Ultra. The checkpoints and hence start/finish points are different in some cases to the Relay legs.

Download the .gpx file here

Leg 1 -  8.3kms, 262m  Ross on Wye to Kerne Bridge. This leg runs on the 'Wye Valley Walk' from Ross to Kerne Bridge.  The start being next to the 'bandstand' in Ross (W3W///divorcing.winning.fictional ). The route goes over Chase Wood and then follows part of the 'Howling Bull' race. This is quite a hilly leg but runs on well used paths. We recommend you recce this leg.
Detailed description here. 

The map shows the route through Ross from the start - this will be marked on the day. The map is for recce purposes.

Leg 2 - 9.8km. 117m.  Kerne Bridge to Symonds Yat. Following the Wye-Valley Walk. An easy to navigate leg.
Starting from the checkpoint in the car park. Head north on footpath to Kerne Bridge. Just by the bridge on the footpath you run south keeping the Wye on your left. At the Welsh Bicknor works cross over the river on the bridge then keeping the river on your right run south. At Symonds Yat Rock run up the steep path.  Just before the road will be a timing point / feed station.   
Detailed Leg 2 description here

Leg 3 - 8.6 kms, 150m

After the checkpoint, cross the road and descend the footpath all the way  to the bottom. Follow the Wye all the way to the Biblins Bridge. Cross the bridge, turn left and keep following the Wye Valley Walk on the north and west of the Wye all the way to Monmouth, cross the bridge over the Wye. Turn left just before Topstack to find the timing point / feed station.    

Detailed route description for leg 3

Leg 4 - 10.6 kms, 450m

From the timing point, double back to the main road and then left  past the Mayhill pub and find Offa's Dyke path on the right hand side of the road. Run up the trail to the Kymin, past the Naval temple, through Redbrook and find the next feed station / timing point at Gumbersland Barn field (just over the road from the NT car park).  

Leg 4 detailed route information here

Leg 5 - 5.2 kms, 20m

After leaving Gumbersland Barn descend down the road to Bigsweir Bridge. Just before turn left and follow Offas Dyke by the river all the way to Brockweir. Just before the bridge you will find the checkpoint.  

Leg 5 detailed route information here

Leg 6 - 7 kms, 275m

From the checkpoint continue north, over the bridge and onto Tintern. When you join the road in Tintern run on the pavement on the left hand side until a crossing can be safely made to the pavement on the right. This is a busy road. There is a slight change to the WVW once you leave Tintern - this is shown in red on the map above. The next checkpoint will be in a field near 365 steps used for competitor car parking. 

Leg 6 detailed route information here

Leg 7 - 4 kms (ish) 

Leg 7 will have to change in 2024. We do not have permission to run on The Wye Valley Walk - it's a permissive path not an official right of way.
From the checkpoint run north up the road (back the way you came into the check), turn left and later left again which leads down to St Arvans. Turn left sharply at bottom of hill (marshal). Down this road towards the end, you need to cross the road from left to right (marshal). At the main road go right on the pavement and find the best time to cross this CAREFULLY to the left hand side (marshal). Then along on the pavement all the way to the Leisure Centre field. The route will be fully marked with arrows - so a map of the route is not needed.  

Leg 7 detailed description here

Maps: OS OpenSpace Developer Agreement

The maps on this webpage have been sourced via the OS OpenSpace API, which enables us to display quality Ordnance Survey maps (with optional boundaries) in this web application and overlay our data on them. 

These maps are indicative only - you will need to source accurate maps for navigating whilst on the route.   

Footpath Maps (https://footpathmaps.com/) are free online Ordnance Survey maps showing UK public footpaths, cycle paths, bridleways and other rights of way; for walking, cycling, and outdoor activities. We suggest you go there yourself and download the relevant part of the route you require and at the scale you need.